Theraplay is a child and family therapy for building and enhancing attachment. It is based on the natural and healthy interactions between adults and children that is playful, fun and physical. The Therapist works with both the child and the adult using a number of different games to improve relationships. Theraplay can also be used in groups of children and these groups are becoming more widespread in schools to help promote nurture and also regulation. This is a 2 session course and each session is a 3-hour experiential workshop. This course is suitable for all professionals who work with children.
The anticipated learning outcomes of this session are:
The importance of play in forming attachments
Early parenting experiences
Our own childhood experience
Attachment Theory
Theraplay Principles
Therapeutic play practices and principles
Therapeutic Play helps a child understand their worries and make some sense of events that are troubling them. Play is a child’s natural medium of communication and using a selection of play materials and play strategies children can express their thoughts and feelings at their own pace. This in a 2 session course and each session is a 3-hour experiential workshop. This course is suitable for all professionals who work with children.
The anticipated outcomes of session 1:
The importance of play
Symbolic and imaginative play
Play Therapist vs Play Worker
Creating sand worlds
Creating a secure base
The anticipated outcomes of session 2:
Therapeutic Play Principles
Therapeutic skills
Emotional development
Emotional development and trauma
Therapeutic Practices
Therapeutic play and trauma
This two part workshop explores Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s) and how they affect a child throughout their childhood and beyond. Many children and young people experience trauma of some sort during their childhood but children who have experienced high levels of trauma can suffer from poor mental and physical health throughout their lives. This course will help participants explore ACE’s, the impact they have and techniques to assist a child with emotional regulation. This course is suitable for all professionals who work with children.
The anticipated learning outcomes to this course are:
Trauma and how it impacts behaviour
Fight, Flight and Freeze response
Emotional regulation
ACE’s and outcomes for children
Play activities to help emotional regulation
The Child's Developing brain and regulation
The child’s brain and how it works is not only important for professionals to learn but also for children. Helping children learn about the brain can in turn help them recognise triggers that may dysregulate them. Different play strategies can help to regulate a child. This is a 3-hour experiential workshop and is suitable for all professionals who work with children.
The anticipated learning outcomes of this session are:
How the brain works
How trauma affects the brain
The upstairs and the downstairs brain
How to teach children about the brain
Helping to regulate children through play
Assisting children through bereavement and loss
Unfortunately, loss is a devastating part of life and for children it can be very difficult to understand. This is a 3-hour session that will approach this sensitive subject. Children of school age may face losing someone very close to them. At this time, they are not sure what to feel or think. They may not know who or how to turn to. This session will help those to assist children through their emotions, fears and anxieties. This course is suitable for all professionals who work with children.
The anticipated learning outcomes of this session are:
A child’s view of death
The theory of loss
Children’s feelings
Workers feelings
Ways to help
Interested in any of these courses?
Enter into children’s play and you will find the place where their minds, hearts, and souls meet.”
Virginia Axline - Psychologist and Pioneer of Play Therapy